Yoga Stories


Bring your yoga class to life with yoga stories! See the stories below and create two stories for each age group of your own. Remember there is no right or wrong in this assignment. The goal is to meet the standards that you created in lesson one, and implement them in your stories. Feel free to follow along with Julie's example, or create them another way.

TO DO: Submit your yoga stories

Week Two

Create eight basic yoga stories of your own, two for each age group. See below for examples donated by Hannah S.

PreK - K:

“ What might you find in a garden?” (explore their answers) Now, we are going to use our

best imagination and take a walk through a garden. We start walking through our garden

and see a big tall tree. Can you imagine you’re a big tall tree, strong and deep-rooted into

the ground. It’s a beautiful day out in the garden and there is slight cool breeze, still

standing tall as the tree, imagine that we are swaying in the breeze. Feel the wind in your

branches and move with the wind. What animals do you think are in the garden? Can we

think about an animal that hops around and is green? Yes, a frog, now gently moving our

bodies down on our mat and crouching down and pretend to be a frog, let’s hop a little bit

around and see what else is in our garden. We have found a seed! What will your seed

grow into? A fruit, vegetable, tree, or flower? Oh look, a butterfly has passed by, let’s flap

our wings and go explore more of the garden. Keep flapping your wings, moving around the

garden, seeing all the pretty things. Now it’s time for the butterfly to rest, let’s land on a

beautiful flower. Wow, that was such a fun experience visiting the garden. Let’s lay down

and watch the clouds.”

PreK - K:

“ Time for the beach” Who here has gone to the beach before? What do we normally see

when we go to beach(explore answers). Would like to go to the beach with me today? One

of the most important things to bring to the beach with us today is our imagination hats, can

we all put them on together? What else is something we should do before? We should put

some sunscreen on, gently putting sunscreen on our face, our arms, our legs. All right now

we are all ready to go! Thankfully the sun came out today, gently Stand tall with your legs

hip-width apart, feet facing forward, and straighten your arms alongside your body in

Mountain Pose. Then inhale deeply, look up, and reach your arms up to the sky. Say, “Hello,

sun in the sky!” I would love to go into the water, who else is with me? Exhale, bend your

upper body, reach for your toes, and pretend your arms are the tentacles of a jellyfish. Say,

“Hello, jellyfish in the sea!” What else can we do at the beach together? Does anyone know

how to build a sandcastle? Place your palms flat on the ground, inhale, and step your right

foot back. Keeping a flat back, open your chest, pretending to be a sandcastle. Say, “Hello,

sandcastle on the beach!” I am having so much fun with you today, oh look I see a crab, As

you inhale, shift forward, drop your knees, and come to an all-fours position. Imagine you

are a crab scuttling along the sand and say, “Hello, crab walking on the sand!” Thank you so

much for going to the beach with me today. Together we can place our hands over our heart

and say thank you for today.

Grades: 1-5

“Breathing ball” Who here gets nervous or worried about going to school? Can you tell me

what your body is feeling? Do you get butterflies in your stomach, or start to get sweaty or

your head hurts? Today I would like all of us to practice what to do when we start feeling

that way. Right here I have what we call a breathing ball, this ball can get bigger and

smaller. This breathing ball is going to be our guide to help us learn how to take deep calm

breaths. The first step is to take our hands and place them on our tummy, when we breath

we want our hands to rise and us to breath from our tummy’s. Can we check in with our

tummy, how does it feel, does it feel full because we just had lunch, are we a little hungry

and it’s making noises? Maybe give our tummys a little massage, saying hello to it and

giving thanks for helping us by carrying our food and giving us energy. Are we ready for the

breathing ball now? When i make the ball bigger make sure to breathe in raise our hands

over our tummy. Then, when the ball gets smaller, we are going to exhale, gently, letting all

the breath out. Ready..... In, gently extending our bellies, hold for 1...2...3.. And exhale,

while the breathing ball gets smaller. Nex time the ball gets bigger, imagine we are getting

ready to go to school, think of how our body feels, what is hurting or uncomfortable. Now

take those feelings and inhale with the ball and once we exhale we are going to let all those

uncomfortable feelings go out with our breath. Inhale with the ball...... hold...... and exhale,

slowly. We are going to do that together five more times, think about how it feels when you

are walking to school, sitting down in class. Practice breathing in.... With the ball and

exhaling out the scary feelings... (5x). Today we practied breathing when we were worried

or scared. This is something you can do anywhere, anytime, even when you are sitting in

class. Breathing is oh so good for your body and can help you when you are feeling worried.

Grades: 1-5

“Freeze dance with yoga poses” Today i’m feeling a little silly and i would love to spend

some time with you guys moving around, laughing and getting some stress out. Who would

like to do that with me? To start, can we stand tall and raise our hands up over our heads,

taking in a deep breath as we bring our arms up. Now can we exhale and while we do that

bring our arms down to our toes. When we are wanting our bodies to help us move

throughout the day and get things done it’s nice to warm up our bodies. How about we give

our body a nice big hug, thanking it for bring us here today. I want today to be fun but i also

want you to be safe, so let’s make a rule that we are going to be staying on our mats while

we have fun today. Has anyone ever played freeze dance before? Well that’s what we are

going to be doing today but with a littel yoga switch. I am going to be playing some fun

music that we can dance to but when the music stops, i’m going to pick a card and we will

do that pose together. What I would like to do is call on a couple of you to pick a card for us

too! Remember, stay on your mats while we are dancing and when the music stops i’ll teach

you a new yoga pose. Are we ready? (music begins) Alright everyone the music has

stopped and we are going to learn a pose together. This pose is called Wide-Legged

Forward Bend, step your feet out wide, bend your upper body, clasp your hands together,

and pretend that your arms are the trunk of an elephant.) Maybe sway your arms around,

letting them feel heavy and calm our breathing after all of that fun dancing. Ready for

another round of dancing? (play music) Okay, the next pose is called Warrior I, Step one

foot back, slightly angling it outwards, bend your front knee, and bring your arms straight up

towards the sky, and look up. Take some deep breaths now, calming our bodies after all that

dancing. Now can we switch to the other leg? Notice how the stretching feels, continue to

take nice calming breaths. Time for the music again. (music starts) Okay little yogi’s, that

means someone who practies yoga we are going to do one last pose together, it’s called

warrior II, From standing position, step one foot back, placing the foot so that it is facing

slightly outwards. Take your arms up in parallel to the ground, bend your front knee, and

look forward. I had so much fun today. If we can come together sitting down, legs crossed

and hands resting on our legs, i want to say thank you for everyone participating and

learning a little bit more about yoga today.

Grades: 6-8

“Loving your body” Today i would like to practice loving ourselves and loving our bodies.

There is a lot of pressure to look a certain way but when it comes to yoga and mindfulness,

our bodies are the most precious and practicing to challenge those negative thoughts can

help us feel healthier and happier. We will being by resting in easy pose, sitting comfortably

cross-legged, and rest your hands on your knees. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

Let that breath out slowly and fully. Today we are going to learn something important about

our amazing bodies. As you relax more and more, you can feel your entire body getting

warm and comfortable. Your mind feels relaxed; your body feels relaxed. All is well. Slowly

transition to childs pose by coming up on your hands and knees. Center your breath, and

begin to let your thoughts slow down. Turn your awareness inward. Spread your knees wide

apart while keeping your big toes touching. Rest your buttocks on your heels. Those with

very tight hips can keep their knees and thighs together. Sit up straight and lengthen your

spine up through the crown of your head. On an exhalation, bow forward, draping your torso

between your thighs. Your heart and chest should rest between or on top of your thighs.

Allow your forehead to come to the floor. Keep your arms long and extended, palms facing

down. Soften and relax your lower back. Allow all tension in your shoulders, arms, and

neck to drain away. Keep your gaze drawn inward with your eyes closed.

Let’s think about your feet. You might have little crooked toes, you might have perfectly

straight ones, yet each and every one is perfect in its own way. Your feet and toes help you

move and get to where you want to go. Say a little thank you to your amazing feet that carry

you places you want to go. Now think about your legs – your wonderful, beautiful legs.

Some legs are thick and some legs are thin, but what matters is that they are powerful

enough to help us move.

It’s very important to keep in mind that you don’t need to look like anyone else. You are

already the perfect you. Slowly walking our arms up towards our knees and raising our head

we transition into kneeling pose, gently standing on our knees and inhaling as we bring our

arms up over our head. Holding this pose, Think about your arms and hands now. How

wonderful it is to be able to hug the people you love. Thanks to our arms and hands, we can

hold the people we care about during happy times and sad times, too. Be thankful to your

arms for how strong and beautiful they are, helping you every day. Now gently come back to

our first pose, resting pose inhaling as we wiggle our body and exhale as we firmly connect

with the ground. Remember today – and every day – to be very thankful for your marvelous

body. It will be with you always, to help you experience life and express yourself in many

fantastic ways. When you’re ready and with another deep breath, open your eyes. You’ve

done a wonderful job relaxing your body and learning to be thankful for it today.

Grades: 6-8

“ Happy Heart”

Today i’d like to focus on our hearts, how kind have we been to our hearts? How kind have

others been to our hearts? Think about this past week for you? I would like to create a

space of healing as well as a space that fosters happiness for our hearts. Our hearts are a

strong muscle, it keeps us alive, pumping blood and oygen throughout our bodies. Let’s

being by lying down in corpse pose, this is a time when our body can soften, feeling rooted

into the groud, with our pams facing up. Today let’s take a journey into our own hearts – a

very special, beautiful place. There are times when we might feel sad or down, and that’s

ok. Anytime we feel sad, we can check in with our heart. We can choose to surround

ourselves with a beautiful glowing light to bring ourselves comfort during worrisome times.

Imagine a glowing light surrounding us, wamring our bodies and our heart. While holding

onto this feeling gently move to bridge pose, grounding your feet flat on the floor and lifting

up your butt, keeping your arms on your sides, palms facing up. Feel that warm glowing

light now surrounding your body. Watch now as the light changes to soft blue, like the color

of the sky on a clear, dreamy day. The soft blue calms you and brings you even more peace

now. You might begin to feel as if you are drifting on a cloud. Continue to raise your chest in

the air, feel your heart pumping as you challenge your body to stay in this pose. Now come

back to corpse pose and notice your breath, how fast are you breathing, how quick is your

heart pounding? Gently place your hand over your heart and focus on your breathing, try

and slow your heart rate down. Pay attention to the fact that as you exhale any hurt

feelings, pain, or sadness, your heart begins to feel a lighter, a little freer. The soft, gentle

light fills up the space in your heart, and shines out any sadness or pain. See the soft,

glowing light filling up all that space in your heart....gently, easily, and lovingly. Breathe this

peacefulness deeply into every part of you, and notice the calm and stillness take over. As

you inhale, bend your legs and bring the soles of your feet together. Take your arms out to

rest at your sides. Let your whole body melt into the ground and take a few deep breaths.

This is reclining butterfly pose. Life is so good, and you feel peaceful. Take a moment just to

feel gratitude for all the love and caring that surrounds you. It’s so amazing. Feeling calm

and peaceful now, turn your attention back to the room and your day, knowing that peace is


Take in another deep breath now and exhale fully. When you are ready give yourself a big

stretch and open your eyes

Grades: 9-12

“ Insomnia” Who here believes they get enough sleep, do you feel rested when you wake

up or do you always feel like you need more? What i’d like to share with you today is a set

of yoga poses that can help combat insomnia. Stand at the center of the mat in Mountain

Pose, taking a few rounds of breathing to relax the body while connecting to the breathing.

At this point, we are just rooting ourselves to the ground and regulating our breath. This is

the beginning of our journey to help with insomnia. From mountain pose, placing the palms

on the hips while bending the elbows, inhale and take the torso in a backbend. Recall how

you slept last night, were you tossing and turning, scrolling through social media or having

racings thoughts? Use this pose to open up your heart center and stretch any aches in your

back. Don't go beyond your comfort level, as this is just to open the chest and the

backward movement of the torso helps to reduce the tensions that accumulate at the belly

and the lower back through the day. Remain in this stretch for about 4 breaths, going deep

with the breathing. As a counter-movement from Standing Backbend Pose, release and

come to Upward Forward Fold. Exhale and come forward in the bend. This pose will again

help in using the stretch at the base of the spine and the hips to allow for our bodies to

warm up. Notice how your body is feeling, notice any tension being released. Remain here

for about 6 breaths, going deep with the breathing and the stretch at the arms, shoulders

and the lower back. From this position, sit down on your feet in Garland Pose. Push the

belly in and press the thighs close to your chest - reducing the tightness around the tummy

and the belly. Reducing unwanted gas around the various joints and the belly will also help

with good sleep. Stay for about 4 breaths, closing the eyes and moving into awareness of

the belly moving and pressing against the inner thighs. From Garland Pose, come to sit on

the knee and the shins. Inhale and take the torso in a backbend in Camel Pose. By

transitioning from forward and backward poses we are opening up teh muscles and

decreasing any oxygen blockage. Reducing the blockages helps for easy flow of oxygen in

the blood and build energy reducing stress. Stay here for about 3 breaths, making sure the

stretch is at your comfort level. Don't over do any stretch. From Camel Pose, inhale and

release. Inhale and bring the torso in a forward bend in Rabbit Pose, holding the heels with

the hands and bringing the head close to the knees. Stay here for about 4 breaths, not

going beyond your comfort level. This pose helps to bring in fresh blood to the head and the

face, reducing any tensions around the neck. When the brain gets the reverse flow of blood,

it could be beneficial for clearing the mind and reducing stress. And when stress is reduced

the body and mind connect to relax. Relaxation helps to reduce insomnia. From Rabbit

Pose, release and bring the arms stretched out on the floor and place the hips up while

resting the chin and the face on the floor.

Stay here in Puppy Dog Pose feeling the stretch around the chest, shoulders, and neck.

Remain here for about 6 breaths, going slow with the breathing. Release from Puppy Dog

Pose and take the left hand towards the right twisting the shoulders and the neck in Urdhva

Mukha Pasasana.

Stay in this twist for about 4 breaths. A great way to release the tensions around the chest

and the shoulders while twist help to improve breathing too. Make efforts to feel the stretch

and with deep breathing expand the chest and the rib cage which is a good way to reduce

insomnia. Now switch sides, taking the right hand towards the left twisting the shoulders

and the neck. Stay in this twist for about 4 breaths. Again, this releases tension around the

chest and shoulders. Release and come to partially relax the back, chest, belly and neck in

Sphinx Pose Resting the elbows on the floor, keep the chest out taking the shoulders

behind while closing the eyes to focus on the breathing. While breathing connect to the

movement of the belly and the lower spine. Release and come to lie on the belly in Reverse

Corpse Pose. Remain and stretch out the entire body while pushing the belly towards the

floor each time the breathing happens. Stay for 4 breaths. . Come and sit up in Dandasana

and relax the spine while also stretching it. Release and come to sit in Easy Pose, closing

the eyes and relaxing the entire body for about 6 breaths. Go slow with the breathing and

extend the spine upwards. Be aware of the movement of the spine and the abdomen as the

breathing goes deeper, yet slow.

Grades: 9-12

“ with our partners” No matter your age, when you are in a relationship, finding a deep

rooted connectin to our partner is important. Working together as a team helps create a

strong bond. Today we are going to be connecting with our partner through a series of

moves. This a place of no judgement, this is a time to enjoy each other company and work

through these poses together, solving the challenges as we go with open hearts and minds.

Let us warm up individually by completing a classic sun salutation, being by getting into

mountain pose, Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Press your palms together in prayer

position. Rest your thumbs on your sternum and take several breaths. Inhale as you sweep

your arms out to the side and overhead. Gently arch your back and gaze toward the sky.

Exhale as you fold forward from the hips. Bend your knees if necessary. Rest your hands

beside your feet and bring your nose to your knees. Inhale as you lift your torso halfway,

lengthening your spine forward so your back is flat. Your torso should be parallel to the floor.

Keep your fingertips on the floor, or bring them to your shins. Exhale as you step or jump

back into Plank Pose (High Push-Up Pose), with your hands under your shoulders and feet

hip-distance apart. Continue exhaling as you lower your body toward the floor. Keep your

elbows tucked in toward your sides. If needed, come to your knees for Half Chaturanga.

Otherwise, keep your legs straight and reach back through your heels. Inhale as you draw

your chest forward and straighten your arms. Draw your shoulders back and lift your heart

to the sky. Press through the tops of your feet, lifting your thighs off the floor and fully

engaging your leg muscles. Keep your elbows tucked in toward your sides. Exhale as you

lift your hips and roll over your toes, placing the soles of your feet on the floor. Your heels do

not need to touch the ground. Ground down through your hands and the soles of your feet

as you lengthen your spine. Lift your belly and sit bones toward the sky. Stay here for five

breaths. On your last exhalation, bend your knees and look between your hands. Inhale as

you step or jump both feet between your hands. Lift your torso halfway, lengthening your

spine forward so your back is flat. Your torso should be parallel to the floor. Keep your

fingertips on the floor, or bring them to your shins. Exhale as you fold your torso over your

thighs. Bend your knees if necessary. Rest your hands beside your feet and bring your nose

to your knees. Inhale as you sweep your arms out to the side and extend up once again.

Gently arch your back and gaze tow

ard the sky.

Exhale as you come back into Mountain

Pose. Bring your hands into prayer position.

We are now going to beign by working with our partners, again, remeber to be kind to

yourself and your partner as we may not know our limitations nor our partners. Begin by

facing each other. Standing at less than arms distance. While bending the leg at the knee

they stand in Double Dancer Pose, and hold each other while touching at the palms.

Standing and holding the toes of the bend leg, you should feel a stretch in your quads and

knees. Make sure your backs are straight and in alignment with the shoulders. We will do

this pose for 3 breaths and then switch to the other side. Releasing from Double Dance

Pose stand in Tadasana to rest. Interlocking the hands at the wrists with your partner.

Exhaling to bend down like Chair Pose or like Elevator Pose. Keeping your Back straight

and thighs parallel to the floor, if possible. Knee just above the ankles. Stretching your arms

out and remain here to feel the hips, knees, ankles and calves stretch. Releasing from

Elevator Pose and continue standing in front of each other in Tadasana. Exhaling and

interlocking the arms at the shoulders with your partner, while placing your hands on your

partner's shoulder. Exhaling to bend the torso flexing at the hips while adjusting the body to

stand comfortably. For the Lean On Me Pose, the torso should be parallel to the floor. You

are not pushing on your partner, just receiving support from them. Releasing from lean on

my pose, as partners you will now stand back to back in Tadasana and take a few breaths.

nhaling, being to interlock your arms at the elbows, while placing your shoulders and back

close to each other. Exhaling as you bend your knees and flex your hips to go into Chair

Pose. Please makre sure you are matching your exhale as your come down together. Stay

in this pose for four connecting breaths. Now on a connected inhale come up together and

individually stand in mountain pose, facing palms towards the front. Raise your arms up

together in an inhale, exhaling go down to your shins, repeat this 3x. Bring your hands to

center in prayer pose and reflect on this time spent connecting with your parnter and

yourself. Practice gratitude for the time shared together.

Complete and Continue