
Create two games per age group and submit your work. Feel free to get creative and playful! See some examples below to get started!

Freeze Dance

Play calming or classical music, have the kids move to the music however they would like for a few minutes, warming themselves up as well as encouraging individuality. Once the music stops, the child will look under the yoga mat/towel/blanket and have a pose to do. This will be an activity where each child will move to another mat after each cycle so that each child can learn a new pose without having to compare themselves to other students. 

Work Together

Have each child have a yoga pose photo placed facedown on the mat, when it is time to begin, have the students look at their card. There will be another child with the matching card, have kids try to find their match, and then work together to learn the pose.

Yoga Obstacle Course

Create a line (depending on how many kids, multiple lines). The first student will do a child's pose (boulder) and then the next child will hop over the boulder, this child will then become a tree (tree pose), then the following student will jump over the boulder, go around the tree and then do a downward dog pose (bridge). This keeps going until all the students have become a different obstacle. 

Yoga Bingo

Each child has a bingo card with different yoga poses. Play bingo, while teaching each child the yoga pose that has been picked. Once a child gets a bingo, work together to show off all the poses in their bingo line.


This would be done after kids have had some experience with some poses. Have one be the guide, doing a yoga pose, and then the other student must reflect that pose. And then after a couple of poses, have the other child become the reflection. 

Let’s Draw!

Getting into pairs, one will become the tracer and the other to sculpture. A student will make a pose on a large sheet of paper and the other will trace them. Use different colors for different parts of the body or be creative with using dotted lines or anything else creative. Then switch.


Get in a circle and have one child start by doing any pose they would like, the child next to them then starts a story about that pose, it could relate to animals or nature that look like that pose, and then the story and the poses get passed to each child in the circle until everyone has gone. 

Boardgame Yoga

Have different colored dots/mats in a board game-like fashion on the floor. Either has a colored die or a spinner with colors matching the board game spaces. Each space will have a yoga pose on it. The first child will start and once the die has been used, have that child go to the nearest color, then have each child take turns to begin. Once a child reaches the end, they will roll a regular dice and find the matching pose to that number, they will then have to try and hold that pose until all the other students are finished. 

Complete and Continue