Yoga for Type II Diabetes

Join Lori as she presents on Yoga for Type II Diabetes in this Special Event. Be sure to scroll down to the assignment below the video. Just do the best you can, and enjoy the process.

The following links and asana were referenced in this lesson.

00:54:01 Michelle Rae Sobi:

00:55:51 Michelle Rae Sobi:

00:59:09 Michelle Rae Sobi: Page 77 in your manual is upward facing dog

01:00:26 Michelle Rae Sobi: Bow pose is page 34 in your manual

01:01:44 Michelle Rae Sobi:

01:02:35 Michelle Rae Sobi: Marichi’s Twist page 56

01:03:33 Michelle Rae Sobi: Pg 67

01:04:46 Michelle Rae Sobi: Pg 41

01:07:29 Michelle Rae Sobi: Pg 42

Watch the video and then Create a Class on page 115 of the manual. Snap a picture and submit via DM in Slack to Michelle for 1 LAB hour in addition to the 1 LECTURE hour awarded for watching the recording. Enjoy!

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