Seated Postures
Grab a sturdy chair and take a seat for these postures!
Postures 15-34
TO DO: Review each posture in the photos and then watch the respective video. Scroll down to view the postures.
Seated Postures
Easy Seated
- Lift and lengthen through torso
- Shoulders released down through ears
- Chest open
- Palms forward
Seated Upward Salute
- Feet flat on the floor
- Knees about hip distance
- Lift and lengthen, sweep arms overhead
- Fingers toward sky and gaze follows
- Release down
- Or keep elbows or arms down
- Sequence of three
Seated Torso Circles
- Feet hip distance
- Shift ribs to one side, rotating rib cage back and around in circular motions
- Reverse and rotate to other side
- Option to do slight rotation through the ribs
Seated Neck Rolls
- Bring chin to chest, pause for a couple of breaths
- Exhale rotate right ear to right shoulder, pause
- Rotate back down chin to chest, pause
- Rotate left ear to left shoulder, pause
- Shoulders down and relaxed, bringing ear to shoulder rather than should to ear
- Inhale chin to chest, exhaling from side to side, sinking movements to breath
- Hands on legs
- Rotation can be smaller as needed
Seated Neck Stretch
- Right ear over right shoulder, right hand on top of head
- Option to keep hands in lap and have ear drift to shoulder
- Opposite arm reach out, lengthen fingertips for deeper stretch
- Bring hands back to lap, chin to chest
- Invite chin to neutral, chin to sky to get stretch down front down to collar bone
- Move slowly as you come out of the pose
Shoulder Rolls
- Sit bones grounded on chair
- Shoulders up and back, back and down
- Rolling forward up and down, slower at first, 3 rotations up and back
- Add additional rolls at their own pace both up and back
- Option to keep rolls in a shallow position
Seated Foot and Ankle Stretch
- Spine tall, free from back of chair
- Right leg extended, foot flexed
- Option to lower leg as needed
- Hand can be planted on the chair for additional support
- Point and flex toes, and switch to other side
- Adding on ankle roll, one direction and then the other
- Come forward on chair but keep enough of sit bones on chair for support
- Inhale lift and lengthen, naval to spine, round shoulders in, pushing low back out
- Inhale lift and lengthen, belly forward, neck long, chest open, hinging from hips slightly
Cow Face
- Have tension band handy (option for towel, belt, strap)
- Place end of band in right hand, seated tall
- Both arms up overhead
- Drop hand with band behind hand, opposite arm comes around and holds bottom of band
- Right elbow comes back so chest is open
- Can hold, pulse, or pull hands away from one another
- Option to bring band in front of body, elbows in, tension on the band in front
- Top elbow can be more forward facing
Seated Single Leg Stretch
- Closer to edge of chair
- Left leg extended out
- Hands on chair for support
- Lift, forward fold, hinge at hips and keep a flat back
- Lead with the chest, long spine
- Hold, come up to reset, and repeat before switching legs
- Option to come into a more shallow forward fold
- Deep breath in and release, perhaps drawing torso down further toward legs
- Perhaps adding an additional chair in front for added support
Seated Hamstring Stretch
- With a strap or tension band
- Base leg is bent, foot flat
- Band to ball of opposite foot, grabbing hold at top of band
- Inhale, lift and lengthen, draw leg up
- Pulling band in toward you
- Naval to spine to secure low back
- Option to relax tension on prop, lowering the leg slightly or to floor, if foot is on floor student could bring themselves to a forward fold to find additional stretch down leg
- 3 sets rather than holding for a longer period of time
Seated Pigeon
- Option to offer Single Leg Stretch instead of this pose
- Or crossing at ankle or at knee and fold forward
- Bring ankle up top of thigh
- Forward fold, drop head down to comfortable position
- Hand holding knee for support, not pushing down
- Come up, reset, and repeat 3 on each side
- Before moving for the other side, ankle and hip roll, reset
Seated Twist
- Feet hip distance
- Inhale lift and lengthen, exhale turn toward left side
- Open chest, gaze toward left shoulder
- Back hand can come to back or seat of chair for support
- Find a focal point, pause, and then find a spot just outside of gaze toward left side, turn torso and neck to try to meet the new focal point to move deeper into pose
- Slowly unwinding, come to neutral, reset, move to other side
- Option to come into more shallow twist
- Or hands can come to hips and turn body to side
Seated Eagle
- Extend both arms out in front, palms up
- Cross one arm over the other at elbow
- Top arm to face, turn palms in to face one another, trying to make connection with palms
- Instead of twisting, arm over chest
- Or draw elbows down to chest height
Seated Cactus
- Chest open
- Invite into upward salute, draw arms down
- Elbows wide, and draw them back, at shoulder height
- Widening chest
- Palms forward
- Shoulders down and back
- Elbows can be brought down as needed
- Can bring palms together, exhale widen into cactus
Seated Goddess
- Similar to Cactus
- Legs greater than hip width
- Upward salute, draw arms to cactus, repeat sequence
- Option to move elbows down as needed
- Keeping chest open and drawing shoulders back
Seated Goddess Side Twist
- Keep right arm down, left forearm to thigh
- Draw right shoulder back and open up chest
- Option to draw arm to cactus or bring arm down
- Gaze to go up to fingertips or wherever most comfortable
Seated Goddess Angle
- Upward salute in Goddess sequence
- Left forearm on left thigh
- Right arm up and over, leaning to left
- Pulling fingertips out and down will help to move into deeper stretch rather than the amount of the lean
- Upper arm can come down, or hand can come to hip and move into side bend
Seated Shoulder Stretch
- Cross arm over the other, hugging arm across the chest
- Option to provide for Eagle
- Keep front arm down and hug opposite shoulder